The White Family

The White Family
Payne and Jordan

Monday, January 11, 2010

Umm.... So I guess I should say something

Well I'm glad to be married. I really really am. There's a whole lot of things that I'm trying to figure out due to the whole living alongside a companion whom you love so much. But I will say things are not happily ever after style. We are happy together. I just wish we were together more. Right now Jordan's been at work while I have done a good many chores for the day. I enjoy making the house nice for her so that isn't too bad. There's still way too much for me to unpack in Miranda ('my' car).

We're also dealing with our new 'roommate'. My grandmother has most graciously allowed us to stay in her basement for a few months while we get our feet on the ground. We are both really glad that we have a place to live, however if you have ever met my grandmother you know living with her can be challenging in many aspects. She has been sheltered a good deal of her life and as such does not realize the affect her words have on others. She also has some very specific opinions on how people should act and when they do not act that way... wel lets just say she lets them know. Without any regard for feelings. I think it's going to be hard on Jordan for awhile but I'm pretty sure she can adjust. She's good when she has that chance to understand the situation and adapt.

I'm pretty sure this blog has gone on way too long already but I hope you guys out there (Whoever you are) are rooting us on. I hope.

Vaya con Dios

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