The White Family

The White Family
Payne and Jordan

Sunday, January 3, 2010

4 Days from the wedding.

I hate this little feeling im having right now. Im getting married in 4 days. My baby is in Sandy... and Im all by my lonesome. Im tired but I know I wont be able to go to sleep. I have way too much on my mind. Bills to pay, Things to pack, errands to run, and still go to work. I should have just taken this whole week off and focused on getting things done.
On the other hand, Payne is being absolutely adorable. Hes making sure i dont kill anyone. And making sure that im reminded that im loved. I keep wondering what i would have done without him before. I get off work and come home to him and I remember why i love him. Especially today. Work was out of control and i was extremely stressed. I walked in to my apartment and there he was. All the stress and sadness melted away and I knew that i was safe as long as i was in his arms. Ive never felt that way before. Hes my Prince Charming. I love him so much... And we get to spend eternity loving eachother.

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