The White Family

The White Family
Payne and Jordan

Friday, April 15, 2011


well its been ages! i guess im not very good at this keeping up business but i can update our lives now while im here...
in may 2010 payne was offered a job at olive garden in farmington and shortly after was made a trainer. he is now one of the top trainers at the olive garden off san mateo in albuquerque. he works crazy hours and is making huge improvements in positive ways! when hes not at work slaving away giving amazing customer service and training new people in the ways of olive garden hes home with his nose stuck in a book. its amazing the amount of reading he does. our book collection is growing all the time. we were lucky to discover some excellent second hand stores that buy and sell books... or else id be poor!
as for myself... ive been doing lots of soul searching. ive been working for olive garden as well but my time there is coming to an end. im looking at all my options but im scared to make a decision. im taking this weekend to really mull it over and figure out whats good for me. my health needs to be considdered as well. theres alot of preassure i suppose. but alls well that ends well...
so for now were just saying our prayers and smiling... free hugs!

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