The White Family

The White Family
Payne and Jordan

Sunday, June 26, 2011


it really has been over a month since ive posted... wow! theres been so much going on that im not too sure where to start. so... here it goes.
Payne finally got his chance to proove hes an excellent trainer and has (to date) trained 8 new hostests at Olive Garden. Then he was excited because they needed someone to train a new server. (thats a big deal because servers you train are considdered a direct reflection on your work ethics) All the managers seem to be pleased.
Then a few weeks later Payne was offered a kitchen position at Outback. now he is working both jobs just to make sure i dont over work and make myself sick!!! he is truly an amazing husband who has come a long way!!
Also we adopted a puppy from the humane society. her name is Lily (but she responds to monster, booger, rotten, and google). she is a mix of Catahoula, blue heeler, and australian shepherd. the vet told us she can get as big as 80lbs!!!! which is what we were hoping for. We in an interesting part of town. its not bad or gheto, but its not the best either. so having Lily helps payne relax a little when hes at work and im home by myself.
Did i mention i absolutely hate my job?? well i do. ive worked at texas roadhouse for two months and have realized its deffinately not for me. im gladly eating my words about it being amazing. its a depressing enviornment. the managers are crude and mean and swear at you for no reason. ive tried not to let it get to me but i come home angry or in tears every night i work. its not a good thing. so im hunting for a salon job. atleast there i can have the pink hair i so desperately want.
also on a small sadder not, my dad has been getting some unlucky news. i know i can let it all out here because no one reads this. and if someone is (Emily ;D) i know you actually care. so about two weeks ago he went to the doctor and they told him that some numbers werent right and they wanted to do a few tests. he was nervous because he just had his 20th kidney transplant anniversary. so long story short the doc said his kidney isnt working right. hes putting out way way way too much protien and a bunch of other things. what we are worried about right now is that the kidney could be failing. if so that means he will need another transplant. to find out for sure on july 5th theyre checking him into UNM hospital to run a whole slew of tests! which means for 3 days i get to hang out with my family here at my house! but down side is my dads going to be in the hospital. its really sad. im nervous. were all nervous. keep him in your prayers please!!!